I'm New

Frequent Questions

What time should I come?

Sundays - Sunday School starts at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings, but it's always good to show up a few minutes early so you can have some time to fellowship with others in your class. If you can't make it to Sunday School, the morning worship service starts at 10:15 am. The sanctuary begins to fill up around 10:00, and this is a great time to mingle and catch up with folks that you might not see during the week! 

Wednesdays - Wednesday night prayer meetings begin at 6:00 pm. Most of the time you will find some folks mingling around prior to the start of the service, so feel free to come early for some extra fellowship. 

What should I wear? 

It really doesn't matter! The only thing we ask is that clothing is appropriately modest and doesn't contain any offensive image or slogan. We're much more concerned with what's in your heart than with what's in your closet. Sunday morning services tend to be a little more formal than evening services or Wednesdays, but you'll always see people dressed in a broad range of clothing - from suits, ties, dresses and heels to blue jeans, shorts, t-shirts and sandals. If you're worried about what you should wear to church, stop worrying! 

Where do I take my kids? 

When you look at the front of the church, you'll notice a building to the left of the main sanctuary that says "Children's Education Suite." This is where you'll find our state-of-the-art nursery and children's facilities for all ages. You can enter through the double doors next to the playground, or if you go in the front doors of the main sanctuary, just take a left and walk through the breezeway. You'll always find someone working the front desk, ready to assist you. Parents are given a buzzer that will vibrate and notify them if they are needed. We know how important your kids are to you, and we treat them like they're our own. 

Where should I sit? 

Anywhere you like! We don't have assigned seats at FBC Counce, so don't be afraid of sitting in any "reserved" areas. You may notice certain families or groups sitting in the same place most weeks, but hey, we're all creatures of habit. One thing is for sure - we've always got room for you and your family. Many people enjoy the atmosphere of worship on the main floor of our sanctuary, but we also have a balcony. Just find a seat where you're comfortable, and prepare to enjoy the service.